On July 22nd, the CDC revised and removed many conditions regarding bringing dogs into the U.S.A. starting August 1, 2024.
The list of requirements stands as follows:
- Be at least six months of age
- Be microchipped
- Appear healthy upon arrival
Have a CDC Dog Import Form receipt (this form is completed by the pet owner and must be submitted through the CDC website). This form is good for 6 months from the date of issue, and for multiple entries, so long as the dog has not visited a high-risk rabies country since it was completed. This applies only to dogs who have been in Canada (or another rabies-free/low risk rabies country) for the last 6 months.
Valid Rabies vaccination certificate is still required for most US States as well as to return to Canada.
For more information, please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/importation/dogs/
July 3, 2024
*August 1, 2024* New CDC Rules will Apply to Dogs Entering the United States
On August 1, 2024, new CDC rules will apply to dogs entering the United States.
These rules apply to all dogs, including
- puppies
- service animals, and
- dogs that left the United States & are returning.
They apply to U.S. citizens, legal U.S. residents, or foreign nationals.
CDC recommends using DogBot on their website to determine what rules apply to your dog based on the dates of travel and where your dog is traveling from.
To learn more visit: https://www.cdc.gov/importation/bringing-an-animal-into-the-united-states/dogs.html